Defining the Objectives
Program Management is much like being Captain of a Ship commissioned to complete a specific voyage. The ultimate destination (just like an expected program result) is determined prior to departure, but the paths and decisions one chooses to make, along the journey, is often what determines the difference between success and failure.
SOS believes that preparation and organization are, by far, the
most critical elements to any successful undertaking. That’s
why we have developed an expedient & methodical Phase-by-Phase
Program Strategy, which is customized for every excursion (contract),
that determines the “expectations” and “deliverables” along
the way.
SOS specializes in Executive Execution Management (Corporate
Level Program Management) for fabricated/manufactured process
equipment and automated test fixtures used in specific Hi-Tech
Industries, including:
- Semiconductor
- Flat Panel Display
- Life Sciences
- Alternative Energy
- Nanotechnology
Inquire about details under the "CONTACT US" area on website